Top 10 Tips for Crafters: Elevate Your Crafting Game

Are you a passionate crafter looking to elevate your skills and unleash your creativity? Whether you're a seasoned pro or starting out, there's always room for improvement and inspiration. In this guide, we'll explore ten tips to help you take your crafting to the next level.

Let's dive right in!

Embrace Your Own Style

Every crafter has a distinct artistic voice. Embrace your unique style and let it shine through in your projects. Don't be afraid to experiment with different techniques, materials, and colour palettes. Allow your personality to infuse your creations.

In Practice

  • Learn from other artists and crafters, but don't try to copy their work or style. You can be inspired by them and use techniques that they use, but make your work your own.
  • Try to make the worst project you can. It sounds counterintuitive, but your aesthetic and style can emerge from the mess when you're free to play without expectations.
  • Keep a journal, notes, or photographs of things that speak to you. Think about why they speak to you, what you like about them, and what you don't.

Experiment and Learn New Skills

Challenge yourself by learning new skills and techniques. Take online courses, attend workshops, or explore tutorials to expand your creative horizons. Mastering new skills will open up a world of possibilities for your projects.

In Practice

  • Be on the hunt for in-person workshops in your local area. Check out event listing websites, local notice boards, and friend recommendations.
  • Try a new craft or activity that you wouldn't have thought you'd be interested in. You might just find a new passion!
  • Pick a new craft with a low entry barrier: something you already have the tools and materials for, something you can attend a workshop for (which will include all the tools and materials), or something that doesn't have essential equipment that costs the world.

If you're in the Leinster area of Ireland, why not check out some of the workshops we are running. Come learn a new skill with us today!

A notebook with a pocket in the cover. There

Organise Your Workspace

A well-organised workspace can make a big difference to a crafting experience. While organised chaos suits some, a dedicated space specifically for your crafts, which is clean and tidy, can be a life-changer. Invest in storage solutions to keep your supplies organised and easily accessible.

In Practice

  • Carve out some space specifically for crafting. Depending on your living circumstances, this may be a tricky one. Even a fold-up table is better than no space at all.
  • Categorise equipment, tools and materials in dedicated storage solutions (shoeboxes work wonders). If you're looking for a pencil, you know exactly where to go to find one.
  • When you're finished with your crafting session, dedicate 5 minutes to putting things back into their storage. While it's lovely to walk away from the mess and return to it the next day in the same state you left it in, multiple days of this can build up, particularly if you've many projects on the go at the same time. 
Carpentry with professionals tools on table
Image from Pexels

Be Ready for Inspiration

Inspiration can strike at any moment. Keep a notebook or a digital folder to capture ideas, images, and colour palettes that inspire you. Browse craft blogs, magazines, and social media platforms for fresh perspectives and innovative techniques.

In Practice

  • Carry a small notebook and a pen/pencil with you wherever you go. If you're more comfortable working digitally, snap photos or take notes using your phone.
  • Be open to seeing things with fresh eyes. What excites you about your surroundings? How would a child view where you are? How can you be more present?

Use Quality Materials

The quality of your materials directly impacts the outcome of your projects. Invest in durable, reliable, high-quality supplies that enhance your creations. Experiment with different materials to discover what best suits your style and projects.

In Practice

  • If you're just starting out in a craft, there is a case for using cheaper materials. It's easier to be less precious and freer with your work as you learn and experiment. However, it may also discourage you if the result doesn't have as high a finish as you'd like for all the effort put into making it.
  • For a craft that you enjoy and envisage continuing with, buy the best tools you can afford and a range of materials, from affordable (for prototyping) to quality (for finished pieces).
  • It is important to note that "quality" doesn't always mean "expensive". Depending on your craft, some tools can be made for relatively little, and some materials can be recycled or picked up for free.

Practice Patience and Persistence

Crafting is a journey of learning and growth. Be patient with yourself and embrace the process. Don't get discouraged by mistakes or setbacks. View them as opportunities for learning and improvement. Persistence is key to achieving your crafting goals.

In Practice

  • What if instead of using the word "mistake", you used "experiment"?
  • Try intentionally making something messy/imperfect/wonky. You might learn something new from the experience.
  • While difficult, try not to compare your work to others. What you see on social media is often the complete project with hours of practice, mistakes, and failures hidden from view.

Join a Crafting Community

Connect with other crafters online or in your local area. Share your projects, seek advice, and learn from others. Engaging with a community of like-minded individuals can be a source of inspiration, encouragement, and support.

In Practice

  • Research local creative spaces, events, and meet-ups. If you can't find one, consider setting one up. 
  • Check online forums, event listing websites, local libraries, or noticeboards.

Don't Be Afraid to Fail

Failure is an integral part of the creative process. Don't be afraid to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them. Embrace the imperfections and unique qualities that make your creations special.

In Practice

  • Redefine what failure means in terms of crafting. Doing isn't failing, no matter the output.
  • While we're often taught to focus on the output (what you designed, made or produced), instead focus on the outcome (what you learned, experienced, or enjoyed). 
  • Try "failing" on purpose to find your edge and explore new possibilities.

Build Your Discipline

As with many pursuits, discipline is a skill to be cultivated. How you respond to conflicting responsibilities, varying levels of motivation, and negative feedback will be key.

In Practice

  • Everyone has responsibilities, whether that's family, work, or any number of other things. Finding what's important to you will help you prioritise what to spend your time on. And if that's not crafting, that's okay!
  • Motivation comes and goes, but the way to build motivation up is to build momentum. Do the smallest thing first to get the ball rolling. 
  • Not everyone will like what you do, and that's okay. Everyone is entitled to their own likes and dislikes. If you receive negative feedback, find the parts you can learn from and discard the rest. 
Knitted macrame and ball on wool surface
Image from Pexels

Share Your Creations

Show off your creations and share your passion with the world. Create a blog, share your work on social media, or participate in craft shows and markets. Sharing your work can inspire others, build your network, and create new opportunities.

In Practice

  • Consider sharing your learning process, not just your end result. Show people the dedication and skill it takes to get to where you are now.
  • Consider teaching your crafting know-how to others through in-person workshops, events at schools, or online tutorials or guides.

Remember, crafting is a journey of self-expression and discovery. Embrace the process, experiment, and enjoy the creative freedom it offers. By following these tips, you can elevate your crafting game and maybe even learn a bit about yourself in the process. 

Tagged: crafting list tips